1st Kathleen Whitehead (30) 42pts.
2nd Cathy Hoyne (22) 42pts.
3rd Catherine O Driscoll (26) 40pts.
Fixtures; 18 Hole S/ford Wed. 18th Aug. Draws. 9.45am. 1.45 and 3.15pm
2nd round of Ladies 18 Hole matchplay to be played by 31st August.
1st Kathleen Whitehead (30) 42pts.
2nd Cathy Hoyne (22) 42pts.
3rd Catherine O Driscoll (26) 40pts.
Fixtures; 18 Hole S/ford Wed. 18th Aug. Draws. 9.45am. 1.45 and 3.15pm
2nd round of Ladies 18 Hole matchplay to be played by 31st August.