1st Catherine O Connor (27) 5up. 2nd Kerrri Bolger (26) 4up. 3rd Ann Mullins (15) 2up.
Wed. 8/09/10 18 Hole S/ford. Draws 9.45am. 1.45 and 3.15 pm.
Semi Finals of Ladies 18 Hole club Matchplay to be played by Sun. 19th September.
1st Catherine O Connor (27) 5up. 2nd Kerrri Bolger (26) 4up. 3rd Ann Mullins (15) 2up.
Wed. 8/09/10 18 Hole S/ford. Draws 9.45am. 1.45 and 3.15 pm.
Semi Finals of Ladies 18 Hole club Matchplay to be played by Sun. 19th September.