October Monthly Medal
When he’s not scoring goals for Bennettsbridge, Brian Lannon is winning Monthly Medals in Gowran.
(1) Brian Lannon (12) 68 nett
(2) MJ Farrell (13) 70nett
(3) Johnny Maher (6) 70 nett
Gross Patrick O’Hara 76
(4) Pat O’Keeffe (8) 71 nett
+ 18 Jimmy Townsend (21) 76 nett
Nearest the pin on the 9th winner Jimmy Townsend kindly sponsored by the Fishermans Market in the Hebron Ind Est Kilkenny.
Golfer of the Year
Congratulations to Johnny Maher who is the 2018 Golfer of the Year. Consistent all year Johnny is a well-deserved winner.
The result of the Club Singles 13/10/2018
Cat (1)
(1) Richie Lowry (6) 39 pts
(2) Sean Malone (9) 38pts (CB)
(3) Eoin Delahunty (12) 38pts
Cat (2)
(1) JJ Ryan (13) 36pts
(2) Adam Holden (15) 36pts (CB)
(3) Seamus McKillen (15) 33pts
This weekend we have a 3 Person Waltz. 1 to score on the first, 2 to score on the second & 3 to score on the third. Back to 1 to score on the fourth, 2 to score on the fifth & 3 to score on the sixth and so on.
We plan to stick with 18 hole competitions as long as the weather holds.