Ladies Weekly Competition Results 05/12/2018

Ladies Weekly 9 Hole Competition Results 5/12/2018. 1st Aisling Costelloe (14) 21pts. 2nd Kathleen Butler (34) 18pts. 3rd Catherine O Driscoll (20) 16pts. Kathleen Whitehead league. Team C has taken the lead again with 381pts Captained by Aisling Costelloe followed closely by Team B Captained by Kate Hennessey  with 374pts. The Squirrels Alliance Christmas outing…


Ladies Weekly Competition Results 28/11/2018

Ladies Weekly Competition Results 28/11/2018  11hole s/f. 1st Kate Hennessey (12) 23pts. 2nd Maura Coe (20) 22 pts. 3rd Helena McCormack (16) 22pts. Kathleen Whitehead league. There are changes on the leaderboard this week. We have two teams each on 342pts. Team B Captained by Kate Hennessey Team C Captained by Aisling Costelloe.


Ladies Weekly Competition Results 21/11/2018

Ladies Weekly Competition Results 21/11/2018  11 hole S/F. 1st  Eileen Tobin (20) 26 pts. 2nd  Helen Dunne (19) 24pts. 3rd  Margaret Bower (25) 22pts. Kathleen Whitehead League. Team C continues to hold their lead with 303 points Captained by Aisling Costelloe. Following the great results from Eileen Tobin and Margaret Bower Team B Captained by…


11 Hole Result 11/11/2018

Weekend 11 hole singles result. Cat 1. (1) Chris O’Grady (7) 27pts €50 (2) Pat Kirwan (7) 26pts €40 (3) Niall Patterson (9) 25pts (CB) €30 Cat 2. (1) Mick McKillan (18) 27pts €50 (2) Paolo Fusco Divito (19) 26pts €40 (3) Pat Staunton (16) 26pts €30 Any golfer who is in the prizes twice…


19/11/2018 Update

Weekend 11 hole fourball result. (1) Richie Lowry (6) Ger Treacy (9) 30pts (€65) (2) Eddie Walsh (11) George Barcoe (15) 28 pts (€40) The winners have had the prize applied to their account in the pro shop. The 2’s winners have also had the money applied to their account. €20 each 2 this week.…


Ladies Weekly Competition Results 14/11/2018

Ladies Weekly Competition Results 11hole S/F  14/11/2018. 1st  Orla Mc Cormack (19) 23pts. 2nd  Brigid Mullins (27) 22pts. 3rd  Maura Coe (20) 22 pts. Kathleen Whitehead league. Team C continues to hold their lead  with 257 pts Captained by Aisling Costelloe followed by Team D with 254pts Captained by Niamh Connolly. Senior South East Alliance…


Ladies Weekly Competition Results 07/11/2018

Ladies Weekly Competition Results 07/11/2018 11 hole  s/f 1st Ger Hickey (19) 23 pts. 2nd Brigid Mullins (28) 21 pts. 3rd Sinead Kearney (10) 21 pts. Kathleen Whitehead League Team C are extending their lead with 219 pts Captained by Aisling Costelloe followed by Team D with 211 pts Captained by Niamh Conolly. Hot on…


Ladies Weekly Competition Results 31/10/2018

Ladies Weekly Competition Results 31/10/2018 1st Fionnula Taylor (36) 23 pts. 2nd Ger Hickey (20) 22 pts. 3rd Aisling Costelloe (14) 22pts. Kathleen Whitehead League. Team C are narrowly holding on to their lead with 176 pts Captained by Aisling Costelloe followed closely by Team D with 174 pts Captained by Niamh Connolly.


Ladies Weekly Competition Results 24/10/2018

Ladies Weekly Competition Results 24/10/2018 11hole S/F 1st Lucy Condon (28) 27pts 2nd Aisling Costelloe (15) 25pts 3rd Fionnula  Taylor (36) 24pts Kathleen Whitehead League . A change on the leader board this week. Team C having had a great score are now in the lead with 132pts Captained by Aisling Costelloe followed closely by…


Ladies Weekly Competition Results 17/10/2018

Ladies Weekly Competition Results 17/10/2018. 11 hole s/f 1st Hilary Dick  (17) 26 pts. 2nd Charlotte Boote (29) 20pts. 3rd Orla Mc Cormack (20) 20pts. Kathleen Whitehead league. Team D Captained by Niamh Connolly remains in the lead with 86 points followed closely by Team D Captained by Kate Hennessey with 84pts.
