Dan Stallard won the weekends V-par with 4 up. Inform Liam Hutchinson came second with 4 up losing out on a count back. Third Martin Donnelly with 3 up.
1st Dan Stallard playing off 7 – 4 up
2nd Liam Hutchinson playing off 19 – 4 up
3rd Martin Donnelly playing off 8 – 3 up
NCBI HolmPatrick Cup Fourball Regional Final
John Barcoe and James Doyle represented Gowran in the regional final in Callan last Friday. The lads had a creditable 39 points but fell 3 points short of qualifying for the provincial final.
Nine Hole
The Brendan McDermott Golf Academy Golf Shop 9 hole winner this week is Joe Sweeney. After the stress of blue tees the last week we made life easy this week with a white stableford 9 hole. Joe blitzed the course with 25 points for nine holes, in the process moving into third in the league table. Paul Whelan’s card read like an ornithology dictionary with the amount of birds he had, with 22 points Paul took second place along with being the sole winner of the birdie hole. Liam Whitely was third with 22 points.
Inter Club Update
The Jimmy Carroll team, our last team standing fell to Powerscourt GC in Mount Wolseley on Wednesday by a slim 2 points. That’s it for inter club competitions this year. Let’s hope for better next year.
MatchPlay Season
The second round of both the Singles and Doubles should be well under way now.
It’s the player on top of the draw to contact their opponent to arrange the match. Can everyone try get their matches played as early as possible.
Next Week
Course is closed Saturday & Sunday. Nine hole is on Wednesday.
For anyone who can’t survive a weekend without golf check out the below GUI link. This will show all open competitions in Ireland.
Golfsure Insurance
Don’t forget to take out the Golfsure Insurance. Only €20 and can be paid any time in the office to AnnMarie.
Have your Say
Any suggestions, compliments, complaints about anything related to golf club please send on. It is this feedback which helps us improve the golfing experience in Gowran.